How To Grow A Beard

By caro


Follow these steps to grow a healthy and full beard. The best way to grow a beard takes more than quitting shaving. That’s part of it, but not all of it. Here’s how to grow a beard. If you have more questions, check out this beard FAQ.

Similar to growing out hair, there is more to growing a beard than simply stopping shaving. Some attention and beard products ensure that facial hair grows in as fully and comfortably as possible.

If you’ve tried to grow a beard before with disappointing patchy results, you have three options. The first is to own it. Everyone is different. Beards are different. This is you. This is your beard. Or second, decide that this trend is not for you. Like leggings for men, not all trends are for everybody. Last, some guys use Minoxidil for beard growth. While it’s not an official use of Rogaine but we’ll give you the information and let you decide.

Now, back to growing that beard in 7 easy steps.

1. Let it Grow

Yes, there’s more to growing a beard than putting down the razor but that is the most important part.

Don’t shave it. Don’t trim it. Don’t touch it. The longer you can wait, the better.

Everyone wants to know how to grow a beard faster. Despite the myriad products advertising just that, there is no evidence that these products work. Save your money for something else.

How To Grow A Beard

Some guys find it easier to avoid mirrors for a while. Usually, the first week is the hardest phase so time it with a camping trip, time off, or playoff season if you can. Beards grow thicker over time and with age so really, just wait.

How long does it take to grow a beard? Well, that depends on the length you want. While a full beard can take two to six months to grow in, a shorter beard can be had in just one month. Try to give your face 4 weeks of growth before doing any major trimming.

After a couple of weeks, the shape of your facial hair will become apparent. Trim stray hairs on the cheeks and on the neck at any time. Note that the beard line is not the line of the jaw. Find it by putting your middle finger on your Adam’s apple and index finger on top of it. Shave anything below it.

When you start to look and feel scruffy, use beard trimmers to get everything one length and clean up strays. It’s the equivalent of getting a haircut while growing hair out. Visit a barber if you don’t feel comfortable maintaining your own facial hair yet.

2. Hands Off

It is tempting to play with facial hair and even pick at any bumps on the skin. One, it’s gross to bring germs, finger oils, and foreign objects so close to the mouth. Two, this bad habit can irritate the skin. And most important, too much agitation can cause split ends and even bald patches.

To keep itchiness and ingrown hairs to a minimum, start using a beard oil from day one. Beard oils moisturize the skin as well as facial hair. This eliminates flakes, beard dandruff, and smooths coarse beard hair of every length.

How To Grow A Full Beard
Barber Greg

3. Beard Care

It is ideal to get into a beard grooming routine from the very beginning. Beard products are essential for eliminating the most challenging part of growing a beard – itch. They also prevent beard dandruff. Pick a product that you like the price and smell of and use it. As mentioned before, start using beard oil to make beard-growing attractive and comfortable.

Beards can also be brushed right from the beginning. Brushing exfoliates the skin, which helps keep skin clear and itch-free. It also helps distribute balms and oils thoroughly and trains the hair to lie where you want it. If any sparse or patchy areas appear, beard brushing and balm can “comb over” the spot.

4. Be Healthy

While there are lots of products out there that promise to grow your beard thicker and faster, the only thing proven solutions are good nutrition, healthy living, and exercise.

Eat a well-balanced diet, cut back on junk, and drink water. While there is no evidence that vitamins can stimulate hair growth, meeting all your nutritional needs ensures optimum hair growth. Supplementing with a multivitamin and biotin, a B-vitamin that is important for the health of your hair, skin, and nails, can’t hurt.

Any exercise is good for you but strength training can really help your beard. Weightlifting stimulates testosterone production, which increases hair growth.

Brandon J. Madden

Last, the easiest and cheapest way to boost testosterone is sleep. The hormone is produced during REM sleep so try to get in 7-10 hours of sleep a night as much as possible.

5. How to Make a Beard Grow Faster

As mentioned before, healthy living is the only proven way to accelerate hair growth. While Minoxidil is not recommended for the face, some people report positive results. The natural way to grow a thicker beard faster is with a healthy diet, weight, and some patience.

How To Grow A Beard Faster
Barber Barrass

6. Have a Goal

If you have never grown out facial hair, you may not know what to expect. Like any long-term project, focusing on the final outcome rather than where are you now can help motivate you to keep going.

Keep in mind that facial hair grows thicker with age so if you’re not growing your dream beard, try again later.

7. Keep Going

At some point, you will want to quit. Instead of looking in the mirror, pull up an image of your goal beard when you are tempted to shave. Think of how much closer you are now than when you started. You’ll get there. It will be worth it! Bad beard days happen. Don’t do anything you’ll regret.

If you’re trying to make your beard grow faster, concentrate on taking care of the facial hair you have. Use a gentle beard shampoo followed by beard conditioner or beard oil.

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